Axis Stormtroopers will now come out of camouflage while retreating.
轴心国风暴突击队在撤退时将会失去伪装。 |
Axis StuHs damage vs buildings modifier reduced to 100% from 150%.
4号榴弹炮对建筑物的伤害从150%降低为100%。 |
Axis Stug and StuH's rotation speed increased to 33 from 30.
4突和4号榴弹炮旋转速度从30增加到33。 |
Axis Urban Assault Support cost decreased to 600 manpower from 700.
轴心国城市突击支援技能消耗从700人力降低到600人力。 |
Axis positioning buildings, infrastructure and elevation axes, anchor bolt fastening should conform to the specifications and design requirements.
建筑物的定位轴线、基础轴线和标高、地脚螺栓的规格及其紧固应符合设计要求。 |
Axis “Urban Assault Team” has been renamed to “Urban Assault Support”.
轴心国“城市突击队”改名为“城市突击支援”。 |
Axl, I happened to run into an acquaintance of yours just now. She seemed to be looking for you. A woman in red... Not half bad, either.
「我方才遇到你的冤家,她好像在找你呢。穿著红色衣服的女人...长得还不赖喔。」 |
Axoplasmic transport of nerve fibers; Nutrition of nerve fibers; The function of neuroglia cells; Eletrical synapse; Contact ways of central neurons; Local circuit neurons; Central facilitation; Body sensory afferent pathway, Visceral sensation; The regul
神经纤维的轴浆运输;神经纤维的营养;神经胶质细胞的功能;电突触;中枢神经元的联系方式;局部回路神经元;中枢易化;身体感觉传入通路,内脏感觉;躯体运动的调节系统,内脏活动的中枢调节;痛觉;基底神经节的功能;皮层诱发电位和脑电图。 |
Ay first she had nothing to eat except the sweets.
开始她除了糖没有别的可吃。 |
Aye is Scottish for yes. It is also used in navy/ military jargon where it means affirmative.
意思是苏格兰语的“是”。也是军事用语中“遵命”的意思。在现实生活中用的并不多。 |
Aye, I won it all and went away!”
赞成,我赢得了所有与它出门! |