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His teeth chattered uncontrollably because of the cold.

His team-mate Chris Atkinson came next in the other works Subaru Impreza with a 00'012 delay on Petter, but close to three seconds behind stage winner Hirvonen. 他的队友克里斯.阿特金森以1秒2的差距排在皮特后面,但是他跟希沃宁差距接近3秒。
His team-mate Marcus Gr?nholm drove in very closely into second place with a time only 0'006 slower than Hirvonen's. 他的队友马库斯.格隆霍姆紧跟其后排在第二,差距只有0.36秒。
His tears were pathetic to witness. 他的眼泪引起在场人的怜悯。
His teeth are forfeit if the winner wants them! 如果胜者想要的话,他的牙齿将被取下!
His teeth are so yellow, every time he smiles in traffic all the cars slow down to see whether they should stop or go. 他的牙齿那么黄,每次他在车流中微笑时,所有的汽车都得减低速度,看看是停下来还是继续前进。
His teeth chattered uncontrollably because of the cold. 他的牙齿冷得直打颤。
His teeth have begun to decay. 他的牙齿已开始蛀蚀。
His teeth protrude like fangs. 他的牙齿像犬牙一样向外凸出。
His telephone call interrupted my train of thought . 他的电话打断了我的思路.
His telephone call interrupted my train of thought. 他的电话打断了我的思路.
His telephone has been put out of commission for a while. 他的电话机发生故障有一阵子了。

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