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The event mentioned in the present Regulations refers to and event coming within the scope of cover under the contract of insurance.

The event is held the day after Balinese Hindus celebrate Silence Day. “接吻节”的前一天是巴厘岛印度教徒的“安静节”。
The event is invalid. 该事件无效。
The event is organized by the sport's governing body, the International Rugby Board (IRB), and is contested by the men's national rugby union teams. 这项赛事由此项运动的管理者——国际英式橄榄球管理委员会组织,同时也与男子的国家英式橄榄球联盟队比赛。
The event is under investigation. 事情正在调查中。
The event marked the first time the jaguar cubs, born March 18, went on exhibit. 3月18日刚诞生的小虎首度亮相为园方的活动宣传。
The event mentioned in the present Regulations refers to and event coming within the scope of cover under the contract of insurance. 本条例中的保险事故,是指发生保险合同责任范围内的事故。
The event object is available only during an event - that is, you can use it in event handlers but not in other code. 事件对象只有在可以使用事件处理而不是其他代码处理时才会有效。
The event occurred 94 min. before sunrise at Xichang, but the target satellite was in sunlight, enabling excellent monitoring of the event by the Chinese. 试验是在西昌日出前94分钟进行的,但目标卫星在阳光照射之下,这为中方监测试验提供了极佳条件。
The event of thematic education for youth league members launched at national level now is a significant strategic measure. 摘要当前在全团开展增强团员意识主题教育活动是共青团加强自身建设的一项重大战略举措,具有深厚的战略意蕴。
The event raised money for a non-profit group that helps the spouses of police officers who were killed on duty. 该活动是为一个非盈利组织筹款以帮助那些殉职警官们的配偶。
The event should NOT include loud music or any form of distraction. 该活动不应该包括吵人的音乐或者任何形式令人分心的事物。

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