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Lucinda : Hang gliding isn't something I find very attractive. It must be pretty dangerous.

Lucie's face, more than any other, would eventually become synonymous with millennial Tokyo's anxieties, aspirations and insecurities. 与其他人不同,露茜的脸将最终成为千年东京焦虑、渴望和缺乏安全的同义语。
Lucifer revives trying to make all his sorrows undone. 魔王苏醒(此指主角的另一个人格)并试著将他的伤痛抚平。
Lucile: About an hour ago. Melanie's got a nice gaff, doesn't she? 露塞尔:大约一个小时前。梅勒妮弄了一套不错的房子,不是吗?
Lucillaeace.Commodus,After two weeks in the road,your incessant schemint is hurting my head. 安静,康莫德斯.,自从上路二周以来,你不断的疑心搞得我头痛.
Lucinda : But what if there was a sudden gust of wind? It could blow you against the cliff. 露辛达:但假如突然刮起一阵大风,那怎么办?你可能被风吹得撞向悬崖。
Lucinda : Hang gliding isn't something I find very attractive. It must be pretty dangerous. 露辛达:悬挂式滑翔这玩意我不太喜欢,而且一定颇为危险。
Lucinda:Oh, poor Tom .He'll have to have a cast put on ,won't he ? 卢辛达:噢,可怜的汤姆。那他得上石膏了,是吗?
Lucinda:Yes,he did He was handing me my bag with his left hand and suddenly slipped. Those stairs are wet and slippery with ice ,and they're so steep. 卢辛达:是他左手刚好正要把行李袋递给我。突然间就滑倒了。那台阶结了冰,又湿又滑,而且也很陡。
Lucius sends Draco press clippings which could prove useful in embarrassing or harassing Potter or the Weasleys. 卢修斯寄给德拉科的剪报能有效地使波特和韦斯莱们感到尴尬和恼怒。
Luck He does not have much. 运气他没有很多。
Luck is the attentive photographer's best teacher. 运气是用心摄影师之最好的老师。

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