The study suggests that animals can defend themselves by activating the sensory nerves of their enemies, just like certain plants do.
研究表明,这些动物是靠刺激天敌的感觉神经来保护自身的,就象许多植物那样。 |
The study suggests that the application of video-recording related instruction as teaching aid has its positive effect and influence on the enhancement of learning outcome in oral activities for big EFL teaching settings.
本研究发现实施录影辅助教学于大班制英语教学情境之口说活动中对增强学习效果有其正面之影响。 |
The study suggests women could be equipped to use seemingly superficial characteristics as a cue to pick up on trends in these behavioral strategies,Kruger said.
克鲁格说,研究表明妇女有能力以男性的面部特征为提示推断出其行为特征。 |
The study supported by the federally estimated that drinking by college students contributes to 500,000 injuries and 70,000 cases of sexual assault or date rape.
这个由美国联邦政府赞助的调查小组称,大学生酗酒已经造成50万起伤亡事故和7万起性骚扰和强奸事件的发生。 |
The study target of Foshan Urban Planning Decision Support System is presented based on the analysis of the status, problem and requirement of the urban planning and management, which all existed in Foshan city after district adjustment in Foshan.
摘要通过分析佛山市区划调整后市城市规划和管理的现况、问题及需求,提出了佛山市城市规划决策支持系统研究的目标。 |
The study tracked nearly 11,000 American adolescents, using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.
这个实验用国家青少年健康纵向研究数据,比较了近11000名美国青少年的情况。 |
The study tracked the sexual activity of heterosexual men and women in Kenya over more than four years, monitoring them for the presence of the HIV virus at intervals of about three months.
4年多来,该研究在肯尼亚对异性恋男女的性行为进行了跟踪,大约每隔3个月便检查是否有艾滋病病毒在他们体内出现。 |
The study used 10-second long silent video clip extracts of debates from 58 gubernatorial elections between 1988 and 2002. Some 264 subjects participated in the study.
研究人员将1988年至2002年间共58次州长竞选的辩论录像制作成10秒钟的消声视频剪辑,并邀请264名调查对象参加了实验。 |
The study used electronic tagging to track six adult sharks via satellite, revealing a surprisingly broad range for one of the most feared and misunderstood creatures of the deep.
这项研究使用了电子标记,经卫星跟踪了6只成年鲨鱼,揭示了这种最令人恐惧和误解的海洋动物具有惊人的活动范围。 |
The study used method of analysis landscape structure to describe the difference of the two marginal regions, and with it, to expose different mode of ecological environment responding to variety of climatic and anthropic activity, which happened in two m
试用景观生态学中景观格局分析方法对这种差异进行描述,通过对两大沙漠边缘带土地利用/土地覆盖格局变化对比研究,力图揭示我国北方干旱区与半干旱区沙漠边缘生态脆弱带生态环境对气候与人类活动变化表现出的不同响应方式。 |
The study was an oasis of calm in a noisy household.
在喧闹的家中, 书房可谓宁静之一隅. |