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An MTrP is a hyperirritable spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle fibers with characteristics related to central sensitization in the spinal cord.

An Italian temptress arrives at a school in Newcastle, in Northern England, to teach a group of Geordies about the art of romance. 一名意大利人来到了英国北部纽卡斯尔的一所学校,教一群乔德人(纽卡斯尔当地人)关于浪漫的艺术。
An MRI and CT scan revealed no changes from previous studies, which had revealed tendinitis and a small ligament tear in the wrist. 经过核磁共振扫瞄检查后,没有改变先前的计画,他的手腕肌腱发炎,韧带也有点撕裂伤。
An MRI exam on Thursday showed the herniated disc. 在星期四进行MRI核磁共振检查出来骨盘间突出。
An MRI on Dec. 29th showed a tumor the size of a golf ball in the cerebellum (lower part of the brain), close to the brain stem. 在12月29日,核磁共振表明,在他的小脑(脑的低部)有一个高尔夫球大小的肿瘤,就挨着脑干。
An MS-DOS utility used to test and edit programs. 一个测试和编写程序的DOS工具。
An MTrP is a hyperirritable spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle fibers with characteristics related to central sensitization in the spinal cord. 肌筋膜激痛点是骨骼肌肉纤维里紧绷肌带上的过度激活点,伴随著与脊髓里中枢性敏感化有相关联的特徵。
An NBA insider said the Indiana Pacers, Houston Rockets and Boston Celtics have interest in Nuggets point guard Earl Watson. 据NBA内部消息灵通人士称,步行者,火箭,凯尔特人都在打掘金控卫沃特森的主意。
An O-ring seals the relief valve body to the main housing. 用一个O形环密封安全阀阀体与主外壳。
An O.T. should be familiar with the basic principles of job analysis and how to use performance tests and work samples. 一名职能治疗师应当熟悉工作分析的基本原则及如何使用行为测验及工作仿真站。
An OOA model may be expressed informally in diagrams or text, or more formally in entity-relationship (ER) diagrams, data-flow diagrams, state-transition diagrams, or a variety of specialty representation currently available. 面向对象分析模型可以非正规地用图表或者文本表示,或者正规些用实体关系图,数据流图,状态转换图,或可以利用的其他方式来表示.
An OPL extension DLL providing language extension procedures. 提供语言扩展过程的OPL扩展DLL。

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