Feature: It is mainly used for the forming cutting of fur, paper, leather, synthetize materical and nonmetal material. |
中文意思: 主要用于皮革、纸板、泡沫、人造革、布塑及合成纤维和非金属材料借助于刀模成型裁断。 |
Feature: A distinguishing ruby red colour, an intense bouquet with a definite touch of violet and tannic and harmonic taste.
特点:酒色呈宝石红色,单色柔和,口感柔顺,酒色偏中,带有紫罗兰的气息,果香扑鼻,适合于大众场合饮用。 |
Feature: Anti-bending of hose body, small bending radius, good stiffness, with or without metal fittings available.
特性:管体耐曲挠、弯曲半径小、挺性好。带或不带金属接头。 |
Feature: Dark ruby red in colour, charming perfume of vegetal and fruit bouquet. Crisp and soft taste with full grape aromas. Delicate first courses, meats.
特点:深红宝石色,醉人的香气,葡萄树的草本味融合水果的芳香,酒味清淡,柔和,果香浓郁,配合酱汁调味的开胃菜及肉类主菜饮用。 |
Feature: Dark ruby red in colour, intense perfume of raspberry and fresh cut grass bouquet, full, harmonious and spicy first courses, red meats and roasts.
特点:深红宝石色,反射出石榴红的光芒,浓郁的黑霉的香味和青草的香气,酒味柔和、可口,配合辛辣开胃菜及牛肉、羊肉、烤肉等主菜饮用。 |
Feature: It is a wine of medium to high body with character, of a flaming ruby-red color, fruity and persistent scents.
特点:浓郁而丰满的酒体,独特经典的宝石红色,与持续的果香味形成了完美的结合. |
Feature: It is mainly used for the forming cutting of fur, paper, leather, synthetize materical and nonmetal material.
主要用于皮革、纸板、泡沫、人造革、布塑及合成纤维和非金属材料借助于刀模成型裁断。 |
Feature: Le Marze has a vivid yellow colour, sweet scents with fragrances of from the freshness of an apple to acacia honey.
特点:清澈的金黄色,淡淡的甜度,让您领略到由苹果过渡到蜂蜜的特殊芳香。 |
Feature: New Unlock menu, invoked by pressing the jog dial towards or away.
新增:新的解锁选单,可向前/后推动飞梭钮叫出功能表。 |
Feature: Option for vibrate on reminders (Preferences/Alert).
新增:提示时可选择振动与否(喜好设定/警示)。 |
Feature: Reminder types can be individually enabled in Preferences/Alert.
新增:提示类型可在喜好设定/警示中个别开启。 |
Feature: Reminders can be temporarily switched on or off in unlock menu.
新增:提示功能可由解锁选单中暂时开/关。 |