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A behavioural biologist at the State University of Campinas, Brazil, she says it's a primitive reflex common to most animals: even rats laugh.

A beggar, with a hat in each hand, approached a prosperous-looking man on the street.” What's the idea of two hats?” asked the man. 有个乞丐,两只手拿着一顶帽子,朝街上一个看来很有钱的人走过去。“两顶帽子是什么意思?”那人问。
A begger ,with a hat in each hand,approached a prosperous-looking man on the street. What's the idea of two hats?asked the man. 一个乞丐两手各拿着一顶帽子,走近街上一个看来有钱模样的人。“两顶帽子是什么意思?”那人问。
A beginner in learning something. 新手某事物的初学者
A beginner should try a mid-size sail for their first lesson. 初学者刚上课的时候可以试一试中等大小的风范。
A behaviour that people sit around in a group discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible. 一种行为,即大家坐在一起议论为何未按时完成任务,某项目为何失败,该由谁来负责等。
A behavioural biologist at the State University of Campinas, Brazil, she says it's a primitive reflex common to most animals: even rats laugh. 作为巴西坎平纳斯州立大学的行为生物学家,她说笑是许多动物共有的一种原始反射:即使老鼠也会笑。
A beholder can tilt and pan its body each round to change which rays it can bring to bear in any given arc. 眼魔每轮可以倾斜或平移身躯,以改变哪条射线投向哪个方向。
A beholder mage can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. 眼魔法师每日只能施展特定次数的法术。
A beholder mage of high level typically knows a huge number of spells and can call upon any one of them at any time, providing it has a spell slot open of the appropriate spell level. 高等级的眼魔法师的特征之一就是掌握海量法术,并且只要它在相应的法术等级还有法术位,就可以随时施展它们中的任何一个。
A beholder mage's spells function at a caster level equal to twice its beholder mage level. 眼魔法师的法术效果在计算施法者等级时等同于眼魔法师职业等级的两倍。
A beholder with this feat can apply the effects of metamagic feats to its eye rays. 具有此专长的眼魔可以将超魔专长应用于它的眼球射线。

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