In May, Chinese warships were accused of harassing a Philippine navy vessel after it ran aground near the Spratly Islands.
五月,中国战舰被指控骚扰一艘搁浅于南沙的菲律宾海军船只. |
In May, Daniel DiPiero, 21, of Canfield, Ohio, fell off a cruise ship to the Bahamas after a night of heavy drinking with friends.
5月,来自俄亥俄州加菲尔德的丹尼尔·蒂皮亚罗在一艘开往巴哈马群岛的游艇上与自己的朋友们喝得酩酊大醉后落水。 |
In May, Olympic champion hurdler Liu Xiang came under fire for signing a deal with the Baisha corporation, a tobacco giant.
今年5月,奥运会跨栏冠军刘翔因代言白沙烟草集团而遭到指责。 |
In May, Royal Caribbean announced that from next year some of its ships would call at Cartagena, a colonial walled port on the north coast.
今年5月,皇家加勒比海公司宣布,明年起其部分船只将停靠卡塔赫纳(位于哥伦比亚北海岸、殖民时期建造的港口城市)。 |
In May, all kinds of plants are in full bloom.
五月里各种植物鲜花盛开。 |
In May, an environmental group said temperatures at Mount Everest were rising at triple the world's average.
今年五月,一个环保组织说,珠穆朗玛峰气温目前上升的速度是世界平均速度的三倍。 |
In May, his Socialist Party narrowly lost municipal elections to the People's Party (PP).
五月,他所代表的工人社会党在地方选举中以微弱的劣势惜败于人民党。 |
In May, lean production method was officially imported.
5月,正式导入精益生产方式。 |
In May, police recovered a cache of explosives and automatic rifles from the region based on information they said was provided by arrested extremist Islamists.
五月,警方在该区发现一个储存炸药和自动步枪的窝点,并有消息声称,这些是由一个被拘留的伊斯兰激进分子提供。 |
In May, she and three student researchers reached a milestone: They concocted a chemical mixture that tur from blue to colorle when Rohy ol is added.
五月份,她和三名研究生取得了里程碑似的进展:他们调和出一种化学混和物,当迷奸药被加入时可以由蓝色变为无色。 |
In May, the liaison offices bagan to function.
同年5月,两国联络处开始工作。 |