On April 30, 2003, in Beijing Ditan Hospital, a doctor stands for a long time in front of the body of a SARS patient who had been under intensive care but was lost to the epidemic. |
中文意思: 2003年4月30日,北京地坛医院,一名非典重症病人终因抢救无效不治身亡,一位医生久久地站在他的遗体前。 |
On April 24th, 2006(Monday), at 2:30 in the afternoon, a ceremony was grandly held for appointing Xu Yingqing holding a concurrent job as a professor, and the academic public lecture was given in south SUN YAT-SEN University.
2006年4月24日(星期一)下午2:30徐迎庆兼职教授聘任仪式暨学术报告会在中山大学南校区隆重举行。 |
On April 25, 2005, EU Commission opened a special restrictive measure against nine kinds of textiles such as trousers and blouse.
2005年4月25日,欧盟委员会决定对从中国进口的毛衫、裤子、衬衫等九种纺织品启动特别限制措施。 |
On April 26, 2004, the Standing Committee of National People's Congress has denied the possibility of universal suffrage in 2007 (for the Chief Executive) and 2008 (for LegCo).
2004年4月26日,人大常务委员会正式断绝2007年行政长官选举及2008年立法会选举实行普选的可行性。 |
On April 28, an informant center against economic crimes was founded in Guangxi.
4月28日,广西成立了“经济犯罪举报中心”。 |
On April 30, 1789, George Washington delivered his first inaugural address to a joint session of Congress, assembled in Federal Hall in the nation's new capital, New York City.
1798年4月30日,乔治·华盛顿在国会议员聚集的美国新首都纽约的联邦大厅发表他的第一个总统就职演说。 |
On April 30, 2003, in Beijing Ditan Hospital, a doctor stands for a long time in front of the body of a SARS patient who had been under intensive care but was lost to the epidemic.
2003年4月30日,北京地坛医院,一名非典重症病人终因抢救无效不治身亡,一位医生久久地站在他的遗体前。 |
On April 30, Wolong honor wall has been set up in the giant panda garden, which includes the life time donor, special yearly donor and 2004 donor wall, and Wolong Panda Club will renew the donor wall each year.
为了感谢广大认养人长期以来对大熊猫保护事业的关注,2005年4月30日,卧龙大熊猫俱乐部在大熊猫苑装立了“荣誉墙”,将多年以来长期关注卧龙大熊猫的认养人,以及2004年的年度认养人列入榜单,在以后认养人不断增加的情况下,我们会及时更新。 |
On April 4, 1968, Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.
1968年4月4日,金博士在田纳西州的孟菲斯被暗杀。 |
On April 4th, Thailand Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn celebrated her royal highness' 50th birthday at Peking University.
4月4日,泰王国诗琳通公主殿下50华诞庆典和中泰建交30周年理论研讨会在北京大学举行. |
On April 7th, 2005 Sony went public with the information that they had filed for and received a patent for the idea of the non-invasive beaming of different frequencies and patterns of ultrasonic waves directly into the brain to recreate all five senses T
在2005年4月7日,索尼发布了他们获取专利权非入侵不同频率光束和超声波模式直接进入大脑来联机创造全部五种感觉归档的文件信息。 |
On April 8th of 1994,at the national congress of commending model workes, Wei-JianXing affectionately shake hands with Lu-GuanQiu and praised:“You ‘ve done down-to-earth,you are a true socialistic enterpriser.
1994年4月8日,在全国劳动模范表彰大会上,尉建行与鲁冠球亲切握手,并称赞他:“是实实在在干出来的是,是真正的社会主义企业家。” |