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In order to ensure the material quality and welding quality of expansion joint of spiral case, and the safety and reliability of hoisting equipment, the practical, scientific and reasonable installation technique is key and essential.

In order to ensure its survival, the ailing company has to obtain an infusion of cash by all means. 为了确保生存,那家经营不善的公司非得尽一切可能取得资金不可。
In order to ensure quality and throughput, we carry out analog simulation analysis at the time of adopting CAD/CAM/CAE and other advanced software to realize assistance design; invite experts to train and guide designers; and purchase numerical control mi 为保证产品的质量、生产能力,本厂在采用CAD/CAM/CAE等先进的软件进行辅助设计的同时,进行模拟仿真分析;聘请光形设计专家对本厂设计人员进行培训指导;并购置数控铣、数控电脉冲、线切割等精端设备。
In order to ensure safety after the speed increase, related ministries will jointly establish a series of measures to test and inspect the infrastructure along with equipment repair and emergency management. 为了保证安全,相关部门将联合建立一套措施来测试和检查与设备维修及危机管理有关基础设施。
In order to ensure that the interests of the public and the workers concerned are not sacrificed, it is important that Chunghwa Telecom and CTWU be allowed to conclude collective contract as stated in the resolution made by the Legislative Yuan. 为了确保员工及大众的权益不被牺牲,中华电信公司理应遵从立法院决议,与中华电信工会签署团体协约后,始得进行民营化动作。
In order to ensure the fair and reasonable transfer of bamboo grove assets, it is necessary to evaluate resource assets. 摘要为保障竹林资源资产的公平合理流转,有必要对资源资产进行评估。
In order to ensure the material quality and welding quality of expansion joint of spiral case, and the safety and reliability of hoisting equipment, the practical, scientific and reasonable installation technique is key and essential. 摘要为了保证蜗壳凑合节瓦片的下料质量、吊装设备安全可靠和焊接质量,切实可行和科学合理的安装工艺将是极其关键的一项工作内容。
In order to ensure the moisture content of timber reach to the standard, all inacceptable timber need fumigate for two weeks, and can be used after all the examination indexes are eligible. 大风范拥有自已的木材烘干设备,为确保木材的含水率达标,所有含水率未达标的木材都要进行为期两周的熏蒸,待所有相关检测指标合格后方能使用。
In order to ensure the reliable operation of the long-distant undersea optical cable, it is necessary to detect the delitescent fault in earliest time. 摘要为了保障长途海底光缆的运行可靠性,需要尽早发现潜在的故障。
In order to ensure the safety of engineering, it should be careful to use the test result of normal drilling sampling, the pitting sampling, shaft sampling, or double-tubles and thin-wall soil collecting methods should be used. 为保证工程安全,对常规钻孔取样试验成果的使用应当慎重,对重要工程宜采用探坑、竖井取样,或采用双筒薄壁取土技术。
In order to ensure the smooth going of the Beijing Olympic Games, to rid the language barrier and to bring good services for the people there should be public logos in both Chinese and English that meet the international standards in all the venues and on 摘要北京奥运会期间,为保证赛事的顺利运转,创建国际化大都市无障碍语言环境,实现以人为本的高水平服务,所有奥运场馆及公共设施都应配备大量的符合国际规范标准的中英两种语言的公示语标志。
In order to ensure the stable production of aforementioned systems, Longtan Hydropower Development Co., Ltd purchases a number of internationally advanced equipments configured with these systems. 文章对龙滩水电工程施工设备管理模式、管理方法、管理制度、现场监理、岗位培训、设备安全检查等进行了论述。

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