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Inhabitants in North Dakota definitely buy more heavy clothes than residents in Florida.

Ingredients:water,almond,xyitol,emulsifier,sodium tripolyph-osphate,thickening agent,ace-k,flavouring essence. 配料:水、杏仁、木糖醇、乳化剂、三聚磷酸钠、增稠剂、安赛蜜、食用香料。
Ingredients:2 pcs Chicken breasts, 150g Bean spouts, 1 tbsp Roasted sesame seeds. 转贴)鸡丝豆芽凉拌材料:鸡胸肉2件、豆芽150克、炒香白芝麻1汤匙。
Ingrid: Are you out of your mind? How did this happen? I raised you, not a pack of Bible-thumping trailer trash. I raised you to think for yourself. 你难道不会想一想吗?事情是怎么发生的?我养育了你,并不是那一堆毫无价值的圣经抚养你的。我生了你就是要你自己独立思考。
Inguinal bladder hernia is a rare clinical condition, reported in 1 to 4% of inguinal hernia cases. 摘要腹股沟膀胱疝气是一种罕见的临床病症,占所有腹股沟疝气的百分之一至四。
Ingushetia's Deputy Interior Minster, Dzhabrail Kostoyev, died in the attack Wednesday morning near Nazran, the region's main city. 印古什内务部副部长科斯妥耶夫星期三上午在印古什主要城市纳兹兰发生的袭击中丧生。
Inhabitants in North Dakota definitely buy more heavy clothes than residents in Florida. (北达科他州的住民购买的衣服肯定比弗洛里达州的居民更厚重。)
Inhabited since ancient times, the region came under the control of Leopold II of Belgium in the late 1870's and was annexed outright in 1908. 从远古时代就有人在这定居,19世纪70年代后期受控于比利时的利奥波德二世,1908年被完全吞并。
Inhabited since prehistoric times, most of the region became a German protectorate in 1891 and passed to the British in 1920 as Tanganyika. 自史前时代就有人类居住,在1891年该地区大部分成为德国的保护国。
Inhabited since prehistoric times, this Nabataean caravan-city, situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, was an important crossroads between Arabia, Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia. 佩特拉城的历史可以追溯到史前时代,最初是由纳米泰人沙漠商队建立的,它位于阿拉伯、埃及、叙利亚腓尼基之间的交通要塞。
Inhabiting in mountain and shifting cultivation are the foundation of Yao's culture as well as the source of various cultural phenomena of Yao, and then affect their degree and tendency of development. 摘要居山和游耕是塑造和形成瑶族文化的物质基础,是产生瑶族各种文化现象的根源,并影响瑶族文化的发展程度和趋向。
Inhabiting in the forest, meadows and bushes by the waters, the nocturnal herbivores dine out on juicy leaves and aquatic plants. 它是性情温和的夜行草食动物,爱吃多汁的草类和沼地的植物,栖息在近水的森林及草地、灌丛中。

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