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Cars from Korean-funded Ssangyong Motor also witnessed brisk sales at the fair.

Cars and trucks that crash will almost always burst into flames. 汽车和卡车相撞总是会有火焰产生。
Cars are enduring products, with enlarging family cars market, the cost in the process of using becomes a more and more important factor to buy a car. 曾经有人形象地说,如果将某汽车全部拆成零配件出售,那么所得的收益可以买回两辆相同的车。
Cars are imported into our country every year. 每年我们国家都进口汽车。
Cars are subject to a high domestic tax. 买车要交很高的国内税.
Cars can now be driven direct to Sentosa by a causeway. 汽车现在可以通过一条长堤,直接进入圣淘沙。
Cars from Korean-funded Ssangyong Motor also witnessed brisk sales at the fair. 韩国双龙汽车在展会上也是生意兴隆。
Cars galloped round the field with messy tracks trailing behind them. 汽车在非洲土地上纵情地驰骋着,留下杂乱无章的行驶痕迹。
Cars have a lot of advantages over bikes. 译:汽车与自行车相比有许多优点。
Cars have been marked up recently. 最近汽车已涨价.
Cars made in China are much cheaper than those imported from foreign countries. 国产汽车通常比进口汽车便宜。
Cars must stop when the red light is on. 红灯亮时,汽车必须停止。

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