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The boy gave voice to his joy over the new toy.

The boy folded a book up in paper. 这个男孩用纸把书包起来。
The boy followed his father out. . 这个男孩跟着他的父亲走了出去。
The boy followed out the instructions and made a fine model plane. 那孩子完全按照说明,造出了一架漂亮的飞机模型。
The boy followed that man here,and climbed in,and had a sword in his hand. 少年跟那个人到这里,并爬了进来,手里拿着剑。
The boy gave the teacher a song and dance about his being ill as an excuse for playing truant. 那男孩对老师撒野谎说他病了,以此用为他逃学的借口。
The boy gave voice to his joy over the new toy. 男孩儿见到新玩具高兴地叫了起来。
The boy gives warning something doth approach. What cursed foot wanders this way to-night, to cross my obsequies and true love's rite? What with a torch! Muffle me, night, awhile. 这孩子在警告我有人来了。哪一个该死的家伙在这晚上到这儿来打扰我在爱人墓前的凭吊?什么!还拿着火把来吗?——让我躲在一旁看看他的动静。
The boy glut themselves with cake. 孩子们吃蛋糕过了量。
The boy goes in for stamp collecting. 这个男孩喜欢集邮。
The boy gorged on turkey on Christmas Day. 这男孩耶诞节那天大吃火鸡。
The boy got 21 stitches in his chest where he was bitten. 这名男孩被咬胸口缝了21针。

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