The exception Server configuration denies access to data source tells me you made a wrong choice.
这是服务器配置异常,定义的数据源提示你做了一个错误的选择。 |
The exception can be a string, integer, Boolean or an object.
例外可以是串,整数,布尔或是对象。 |
The exception handler gains control.
异常处理器得到控制权。 |
The exception mask is an internal value of all stream objects specifying which state flags have to throw an exception when they are set.
这个异常掩码是所有规定了当掩码被设定时哪种异常必须抛出的流对象的内部值. |
The exception proves the rule.
例外能证明规则。 |
The exception to this rule is that lines viewed in parallel or perpendicular to the viewer will not converge.
这时候朝向或者背离观察者的线在水平线上只有一个灭点。 |
The exception: If your partner shows a propensity to make bad, dangerous decisions when drinking.
有一个情况例外:如果你的爱人在喝酒的时候有做出坏决定,或威胁决定的倾向。 |
The exceptions are Myanmar and Venezuela, both in the bottom ten.
但是也有例外,缅甸和委内瑞拉双双排在倒数十名之列。 |
The exceptions in the modern world to the representative polity as a prerequisite to economic growth suggest the high pay-off to be derived from modeling the political process in third world countries.
现代世界中的例外,代议制政体作为经济增长的先决条件表明:模型化第三世界的政治过程将带来高收益。 |
The excess of one futures contract price over that of another or over the cash market price.
相对于期货合同价值或其他市价,额外付出的价格。 |
The excess of water vapor condenses into visible moisture. Steam over a hot cup is an example.
过量的水汽凝结成可见的水雾,热水杯冒出的雾气即是一例。 |