Mr Wen gave the impression that China would continue serenely on its chosen course for the indefinite future.
温先生给人的印象是,中国将继续走那条自己选择的不知所踪的道路。 |
Mr Wen in his opening address said the government would “shift the focus” of state infrastructure development and the development of social programmes to the countryside, where income growth has been slower than in the cities (7.4% in real terms last year
温家宝在开幕演讲中说,政府会将“焦点转移”,从发展国家基础设施和社会项目转向农村,农村的收入成长低于城市(去年实际为7.4%,而相比之下,城市的成长率为10.4%)。 |
Mr Wen must have bitten his tongue.
温也一定有所保留。 |
Mr Wen pledged to abolish agricultural taxes next year, two years ahead of schedule.
温家宝承诺下年取消农业税,比原定计划提早两年。 |
Mr Wen predicted that GDP should grow this year by 8%.
温总理预计今年的GDP将增长8%。 |
Mr Wen said at a pre conference yesterday at the end of the a ual plenary se ion of the 10th National People's Congre .
温家宝在第十届全国人大二次会议闭幕后举行的记者招待会中说。 |
Mr Wen said at a press conference yesterday at the end of the annual plenary session of the 10th National People's Congress.
温家宝在第十届全国人大二次会议闭幕后举行的记者招待会中说。 |
Mr Wen said the leaders and members of the Chinese Communist Party would play an exemplary role in implementing the co titution.
温家宝说党的领导人和全体党员要成为遵守宪法的模范。 |
Mr Wen said the leaders and members of the Chinese Communist Party would play an exemplary role in implementing the constitution.
温家宝说党的领导人和全体党员要成为遵守宪法的模范。 |
Mr Wen was able to say only that the government had “begun formulating a plan”.
温总理也只能说政府已经“开始制定相应的方案”来解决这个问题。 |
Mr Wen's five-year term of office ends next year.
到明年,温家宝的五年任期就结束了。 |