The brain's ability to edit our visual experiences and to impart a sense of volition after neurons have already acted is an indication of its exquisite sensitivity to time.
大脑可以编辑我们的视觉经验,而且在其神经细胞已经行动之后,还能让给我们一种「自由意志」的感觉,在在说明大脑对时间是多麽的敏感。 |
The brain's automatic reaction to an anxiety-provoking situation also can fuel an anxiety disorder.
大脑对激发焦虑的境遇所产生的自动反应也能成为焦虑症的助燃剂。 |
The brain's response to the injury determines the time of return and playing and must be clinically assessed by the club medical officer or a specialist neurosurgeon/neurologist.
大脑对创伤的反应决定重新上场的时间,并必须由球员的医护人员或神经专科人员作出临床评估。” |
The brain, therefore, may be a good place to start chasing away this ghostly and debilitating sensation.
所以大脑可能是开始消除这种幽灵般的让人受尽折磨的感觉的好地方。 |
The brainchild of the engineer will save us a lot of time and energy.
这位工程师的设想将使我们节省许多时间和精力。 |
The brains biochemistry involves the brains millions of nerve cells (called neurons) that constantly communicate with each other through chemicals called neurotransmitters.
脑生化功能涉及到脑中成千上万神经细胞(叫神经元),这些细胞不断通过叫作神经传递素的化学成分彼此沟通。 |
The brainy actor/producer/director/writer buy the 25-room villa, known as Villa Oleandra, in 2001.
刚刚获得奥斯卡最佳男配角奖的克鲁尼2001年买了这所拥有25个房间的别墅。 |
The brake drumis actually the inside part of the rear brake rotor .
所谓的制动“鼓”实际上就是后刹车碟的内侧部分。 |
The brake (pedal) is between the clutch and the accelerator.
制动器(踏板)在离合器和加速器之间. |
The brake disc temperature remains 400 - 800°C and exceedes 1000°C in certain situations.
刹车碟一般是400-800摄氏度,在一定情况下甚至会超过1000摄氏度。 |
The brake doesn't grip properly.
刹车不灵了。 |