Construct the part of the tangent of the deltoid intercepted by the curve.
2三角星形线的两条互相垂直的切线的交点在哪里? |
Construct two mutually orthogonal tangents of the deltoid. Where do they meet?
三角星形线的两条互相垂直的法线的交点在哪里? |
Construct: Constructs usually have no Intelligence scores and never have Constitution scores.
构装体:构装体通常没有智力属性并一定没有体质属性。 |
Constructed as a piece of junk,the building will be discarded when it wears out,and another piece of junk will be set in its place.
大厦作为一片没用的东西来建造,当它破旧无用的时候,将被丢弃,而另一片没用的东西将会在这个地方建起来. |
Constructed by Bridge Engineering Co. of Sichuan Prov.
四川省绵阳公路段设计市设计,四川省桥梁工程公司施工。 |
Constructed from durable vinyl, this toy is not only fun, but it will last!
非常合适的巡回游戏型玩具,特别适用巡回猎犬,如:金毛、拉多等犬种。 |
Constructed in 1934, the Beis' Residence reflects the trends of that time in China: an unhesitating mixture of western modernity and Chinese tradition.
贝宅建于1934年,它的设计风格很能体现当时国内的建筑设计流行理念:中西合璧。 |
Constructed of 40,000 cream pies and decorated with almond paste, custard and chocolate, the five-meter-long confectionery version of Michael Schumacher's winning Formula One racing car was created by 50 pastry chefs.
面包师们的作品是迈克尔·舒马赫驾驶的一级方程式赛车,不过是“甜品版”。这辆“车”有5米长,由50名甜品厨师用4万个奶油馅饼堆砌而成,上面还用杏仁糊、蛋奶糕和巧克力做了装饰。 |
Constructed of white-gray sandstone, the presidential mansion was called the White House as early as 1809.
因为全是由白灰色的砂石所建造,早在1809年的时候,总统官邸就已经被称为「白宫」。 |
Constructed of wood and capable of flinging stones large enough to crush a man's head, the catapult was a common site on the ancient Roman battlefield.
投石器由木头组装而成,能够投掷出足以砸碎敌人头颅的燃烧的石头。 |
Constructed over a long period, from the 4th to the 15th century, they constitute a diachronic typological series, which had considerable influence in the Byzantine world.
从4世纪到15世纪,它们的修建经历了很长时间,因此,它们反映了同一类型的教堂在不同历史时期的特点,这对拜占廷世界产生了相当大的影响。 |