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Keep eye contact with your plane, at all time, even if someone says Wahoo, look at this beautiful ...

Keep down — they`re shooting at us! 趴下,他们向我们开枪呢。
Keep down! You mustn't let anybody see you. 蹲下! 一定不要让人看见你.
Keep dry with good wind and rain gear: your body loses heat three times as fast when it's wet. 准备良好的防风/雨装备保持干燥:要知道当身体潮湿时你体内热量损失速度会比平时快三倍。
Keep exercising your brain and you will become smarter and smarter. 坚持用脑,你就会愈来愈聪明。
Keep exploring and developing customer-oriented products. 不断探索和开发适合客户需求的产品.
Keep eye contact with your plane, at all time, even if someone says Wahoo, look at this beautiful ... 保持你的眼睛一直盯着飞机,不管别人说什么。
Keep eye drops handy, and remember to manually blink your eye with the back of the index finger. 保证滴眼液在身边,记得用食指的背面人工地眨眼。
Keep fit, study hard and work well. 身体好,学习好,工作好。
Keep flax from fire,youth from gaming. 亚麻远离火苗,青年远离赌博。
Keep fonts and colors restrained and use those provided by the system wherever possible. 字形和颜色制止使,并且系统提供的那些使用可能。
Keep going and try to keep the rhythm. 继续下去,尝试保持节奏。

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