The heartless man abandoned his disabled wife and ran away with all their money.
那个没良心的男人抛弃了 残疾的妻子,还带走了两 人所有的钱. |
The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl.
狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施发妖术。 |
The heartthrob came onstage to announce the winner for Popular Group Artist and was himself given the award for Popular Asian Artist.
这位帅哥上台宣布最受欢迎团体奖,自己也获得了最受欢迎亚洲歌手奖。 |
The heat and mosquitoes became excruciating, but my mother eluded them with her instantaneous and intermittent catnaps, famous in our family, which allowed her to rest without losing the thread of the conversation.
燥热和蚊子变得更加难耐,对此我妈轻松躲过,她随时都能、也一直都在打瞌睡,她这个本事全家皆知,她可以得到休息又一直能抓住谈话的主线。 |
The heat balance equations on incineration of organic liquid waste in fluidized-bed incinerator with coal as auxiliary fuel is established in this paper.The relations between the feeding rate of auxiliary fuel and the LHV of liquid waste,the incineration
建立了以煤为辅助燃料的,有机废液在流化床中焚烧的热平衡方程,求得辅助燃料耗量与各影响因素的计算式,得出辅助燃料耗量与废液中可燃基的低位发热值、密相区燃烧温度、热风温度之间的关系曲线,以及不需要辅助燃料时,有机废液热值与热风温度之间的关系,为流化床焚烧炉的设计与运行提供了理论依据。 |
The heat brought him out in a rash.
因气温很高, 他浑身长了皮疹. |
The heat conduction problems with Joule heats are greatly simplified and no matter how the Joule heat is distributed and no matter which coordinates are adopted, this method is still available.
此方法使焦耳内热源温度场问题得到简化,并且不论焦耳热源的分布如何,不论何种正交坐标系均可采用。 |
The heat conductivity of bentonite is one of the important parameters for buffer/backfilling materials as barriers in high level radioactive waste disposal system.
摘要膨润土的热学性能是评价膨润土作为高放废物深地质处置库缓冲/回填材料的重要参数。 |
The heat conductivity of bentonite will increase with the rising of water content in bentonite under the same compact density.
结果表明,在相同的压实密度条件下,随着膨润土含水率的增加,导热系数也增加。 |
The heat decomposition of the composites was less influenced by the introduction of nano carbon.
热分析结果表明纳米碳的加入对聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯的热分解性能没有显著影响。 |
The heat energy that we get from the sun or other matters may be changed into other forms of energy.
我们从太阳或别的物质中得到的热能可以转变为其他形式的能。 |