The current policy directions for the Second I&C Security Action Plan started in 2005 comprise the following four major goals: establishment of the national I&C security crisis and incident reporting and alarm mechanism &risk management system, consolidat
2005年开始的第二期资通安全机制计划,目前规划的政策方向,主要有「建立国家资通安全事件通报及危机应变体系」、「强化国家资通安全认知与推广资安教育训练」、「标凖规範与认验证服务」、以及「促进国际合作工同打击网路犯罪」等四项,期望藉由资通讯安全作业的落实,「确保我国拥有安全、可信赖的资讯通讯环境」。 |
The current political situation is out of control and turn into confusion.
时局失去控制,陷入一片混乱。 |
The current price for palm oil is 4000 RMB per ton in Hong Kong and can go as high as 6000 RMB per ton in the Mainland.
据了解,目前棕榈油在香港售价约4000/吨,在内地可卖到近6000/吨。 |
The current production was inspired by group members' experiences during a European trip.
是次制作的灵感来自去年的一次欧洲之旅。 |
The current progress on the anion recognition and fluorescent and electrochemical sensing based on the receptors with (C-H)(superscript +)...X(superscript -) hydrogen bonding is reviewed.
摘要对基于(C-H)(上标+)…X(上标-)氢键类型的阴离子识别以及识别过程所引起的光化学传感和电化学传感的研究进展进行了评述。 |
The current rate is $ 50 per night.
现行房费是50美元一天。 |
The current rate is 10% of such estimated or actual amounts of annual rental income.
现时通用的利率是每年估计或实际租金收益金额的10%。 |
The current rate of ocean heat storage is a critical planetary metric: it not only determines the amount of additional global warming already in the pipeline, but it also equals the reduction in climate forcings needed to stabilize the earth's present cli
目前的海洋热储存速率是一个关键的全球度量,它不仅决定即将发生的暖化程度,也相当于维持地球气候稳定所需减少的气候营力。 |
The current ratio of female subject to breast cancer through life in Japan is approximately 1/25 that is rapidly approaching to a bigger number such as 1/13 in some areas in the world.
日本女性患乳腺癌的几率接近1/25,在世界的一些地方这种病的发病几率接近1/13。 |
The current real estate boom in Seoul, as well as South Korea's particular rental system ((4)In South Korea, instead of monthly rents, landlords usually demand a lump sum of money, which they typically invest, returning it at the end of a two-year lease.)
目前,在首尔,房地产不断升温,还有韩国特有的租房习惯,(在韩国,房租并不是一月一付,房东通常会要求房客一次性交足两年的房租,然后房东拿这些钱去投资,最后两年期满后再还给房客),这一切都使得新郎的负担越来越大。 |
The current record holder is a 4-foot diameter pizza offered by Paul Revere's Pizza in Iowa.
目前的吉尼斯纪录保持者是由爱荷华州保尔·里维尔比萨店制作的一块直径达4英尺的比萨。 |