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It was Toto who made Dorothy laugh and saved her from becoming as grey as everything else.

It was Stamford Raffles who brought him to Singapore to be installed as the Sultan and the British even built a palace for him in Kampong Glam. 新加坡开埠那年,他还住在廖内,是莱佛士将他迎来新加坡登基为苏丹的,英国人还在甘榜格南为他建了一座王宫。
It was Sunday, and he stayed at home while the rest of the family drove to town. 这天是周日,他留在家里,家里的其他人开车进城了。
It was Susan who brought the problem to our notice. 是苏珊提醒我们注意那个问题的。
It was Tehuti who supposedly left Atlantis in a spaceship, with those who were to recreate the next program of man. 它是据猜测以太空船离开亚特蓝提斯岛的特胡提,随同将创造下一个人类程序的那些人一道离开。
It was Tom's custom to get up early and go for a walk before breakfast. 汤姆的习惯是很早起床,然后在早餐前出去散步。
It was Toto who made Dorothy laugh and saved her from becoming as grey as everything else. 那是图图让桃乐蒂欢笑,并且挽救她不像其他事物那样的阴暗。
It was Ume? who prevailed in the final for the second year running, winning the opening leg 3-0 - the first time Frankfurt had lost over 90 minutes in the competition's history - and romping to a 5-0 victory in Germany. 于默峰队第二次在决赛压倒对手,首回合3-0取胜使法兰克福队在该队比赛历史上第一次在90分钟内输球,此后于默峰队在德国以5-0轻松取胜。
It was Wang's first outing since he hurt his right hamstring while running on March 23. 这是王建民在三月23日拉伤了右大腿的肌腱之后首度出赛。
It was Wang's second outing since he hurt his right hamstring while running on March 23. 这是自从他三月廿三日右大腿拉伤后,小王第二次的出赛。
It was Webb, off seven shutout innings and a winner of three straight, so Yankees needed to dent him early and count on Wang to make it stand. 他上次先发七局无失分,还保持三连胜,所以我们要及早搞定他,再让小王维持住领先。
It was Wieland who took over the directorship and, by dispensing with much of the traditional symbolism of Wagnerian production, not only restored Bayreuth's reputation but enhanced it. 最后,维尔兰继承了导演事业,摒弃了传统的理念,将瓦格纳作品焕然一新,巩固加强了音乐节不可撼动的地位。

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