Fallujah - Displaced Iraqi children watch U.S. soldiers while waiting at a checkpoint before returning to their home in Fallujah. (Photo by John Moore, April 27, 2004.
普利策突发新闻摄影类获奖作品:2004年4月27日,伊拉克的儿童在检查站惊恐的看着美军士兵,他们在等待接受检查之后返回在费卢杰的家园。 |
Falmouth is a coastal town with an important harbour, and is located at the southwestern tip of England.
费尔茅斯是一座沿海的城镇,同时也是重要的海港,位于在英格兰西南角。 |
False Packed Bale: cotton in a single bale: containing substances entirely foreign to cotton; containing damaged cotton in the interior with or without any indication of such damage upon the exterior; composed of good cotton upon the exterior and decidedl
欺诈棉包:单个棉包中:含有与棉花完全无关的非棉物质;里面含有污染棉花,但从棉包外部或可看出或看不出来;好棉花在外面,次棉花包在里面,以免在常规检查中被发现;有一定数量的无纺用价值棉花。 |
False Sensory Input. You falsify one of the subject's senses.
伪造感觉:你伪造受术者的一种感觉。 |
False advertisement seems true relying on various media and people rebuke these medias who assist in these false advertisement as media cheater.
这里想表达的意思是弄虚作假的意思,用沐猴而冠不是特别好。个人看法。大开方便之门就是行方便的意思。 |
False apostles will boast of things so that they may be regarded as being apostles (as Paul truly was).
假使徒会藉事夸口以表他们是使徒(如保罗是真使徒一样)。 |
False ceilings are avoided so that floor slab thermal mass can be exposed in order to dampen temperature fluctuations.
人工天花被取消了,因此水泥楼板的热量聚集暴露于外,用来抑制温度的波动。 |
False friends are worse than bitter enemies.
【谚】明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 |
False has two aspects: feeling and setting happily blended, express feelings through setting; analyse apparently, criticize implicitly.
虚笔的表现则有两类,一是情景交融,以景传情;二是点到为止,不做深入剖析。 |
False information is likely if you listen to idle chatter or gossip.
如果听信谣言和绯闻就会获得错误信息。 |
False layout of printed sheet parameter!
错误的版面参数! |