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The report is called Scaling Up the Response to Infectious Diseases.

The report highlights the major problems facing society today. 报告强调了当今社会所面临的主要问题。
The report in the Archives of Internal Medicine came from a German health study of more than four thousand adults. 该报告中涉及的内科学档案资料,来自于一项德国健康研究。该项研究针对四千多名成人。
The report in the Financial Times – based on information from people familiar with the matter – prompted a second day of selling, with $1.47 knocked off the share price by the US lunchtime, taking shares to $80.05. 源于知情人士的消息,本报对此进行了报道,导致苹果电脑股票次日遭到市场抛售,至美国午盘时间,该公司股价下跌1.47美元,至80.05美元。
The report includes the excavation materials of 5 sites: Laohushan, Yuanzigou, Xibaiyu, Mianpo and Damiaopo. 其中在老虎山、西白玉和大庙坡发现史前古城墙,在园子沟等遗址有保存良好的白灰面窑洞式房屋。
The report is about equipotential surface. 那份报导是有关於等位面的。
The report is called Scaling Up the Response to Infectious Diseases. 这份报告被叫做《提高对传染病的反应》。
The report is likely to highlight the hazardous consequences of that shift by finding that reaching twice the preindustrial concentration of carbon dioxide will probably warm climate between 3.5 and 8 degrees Fahrenheit and by highlighting that there is a 这份报告将可能强调当二氧化碳浓度升到工业时代前的两倍时,气温将上升华氏3.5至8度,且此种浓度造成更进一步温度上升的机会虽然小但却存在.
The report is not flattering, highlighting a history of unresolved complaints. 报告没有任何偏向,详细呈现了还没有得到解决的投诉的案例。
The report is on mammalian thermoregulation. 那份报告是有关哺乳动物的体温调节。
The report is published in the January 9 issue of Neurology. 这个报告发表在1月9日的神经病学。
The report is scathing about the lack of safety precaution . 该报道对缺乏安全预防措施一事严加指责。

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