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Wake up in the morning, lying the bed bald-faced .the two quilts are too heavy. but it was also too cold. ever my face gel became to the ice-block.

Wake me up at five thirty. 请在五点半叫醒我。
Wake them all up, if you have to, but find that paper! 没有办法的时候,只好把他们全部叫醒,那文件无论如何要找出来。
Wake up , old chap! It's seven o'clock. 醒醒,老家伙!都7点钟了。
Wake up and decide how many sentences or dialogues you will master by the end of the day. 早上醒来下个决心,到睡觉前你必须掌握多少个句子或对话。
Wake up from this sub-program, mark! 马克,从子程序中醒来吧!
Wake up in the morning, lying the bed bald-faced .the two quilts are too heavy. but it was also too cold. ever my face gel became to the ice-block. 上午醒来,赤裸裸的躺着,昨晚那俩条被子太重了.但是还是很冷,连我的洗面奶都冻成冰块了.
Wake up the souls of the regeneration! [再生的灵魂醒来吧!
Wake up! It's eight o'clock. 醒醒吧! 已经八点钟了.
Wake up! We've got to get going! 起床!我们得出发了!
Wake up, Johnny! You're got work to do! 醒醒,强尼!你有工作要做!
Wake up, lazy bones! 醒醒吧,懒骨头!

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