Thus, it is important that you plan your time, well in advance of the due date of the paper.
所以,请在论文截止日期之前安排好时间,这非常重要。 |
Thus, it is important to discuss these external communications internally first to avoid appearing schizophrenic.
因此,在和外部讲话之前,私下事先沟通好是很重要的,否则看上去会变得像精神分裂。) |
Thus, it is important to scout potential base locations first, to ensure that a player does not waste time by sending an outpost ship to an astro which already has a base.
因此,寻找可供建造新基地的天体的位置是非常重要的,确保不要浪费时间将前哨船发送到一个已经有了基地的星球上。 |
Thus, it is impossible for attorneys to participate the whole course of interrogation of suspects.
这样就难以实现律师参加侦查人员讯问犯罪嫌疑人全过程的目的。 |
Thus, it is necessary for us to explore this special function of Ganwhich even can't be found on the latest dictionary of empty word.
“敢”字的这种用法不见于迄今为止出版的古汉语虚词词典,故有讨论的必要。 |
Thus, it is strongly recommended to standardize and consummate the present system of CFO according to the model of Management Supervision.
建议按管理监控型模式规范和完善现行的财务总监制度。 |
Thus, it is suggested to adjust the structure of the crime of impairing relics, increase the crime of damaging historical sites unintentionally, rename the crime of damaging relics as the crime of damaging precious relics, modify the crime of damaging his
针对我国刑法对文物保护的不足,建议调整妨害文物管理罪的结构,增加过失损毁名胜古迹罪,将过失损毁文物罪改为过失损毁珍贵文物罪,修改故意损毁名胜古迹罪和故意损毁文物罪的法定刑。 |
Thus, it is wholly unreasonable and unscientific for the US and Europe to have recklessly imposed limits simply according to their statistics collected in three to four months.
美欧仅凭三四个月的数据,就草率对中国纺织品设限,这是完全没道理也是不科学的。 |
Thus, it may be possible to build a rationaleconomic model of profit maximization where the demand for an opportunity to reach a specific demographic group is closely tied to the present value of the future profit stream generated by expected consumption
因此,建立起“理性的”利益最大化经济模型的可能性是存在的,预计消费量未来利润的现值越高,接触特定人群的要求也就越强烈。 |
Thus, it seems pretty reasonable to me that something which stops getting older from causing debilitation and death can be called a cure for aging.
因此,它似乎对我来说很合理:停止引起虚弱和死亡的东西,可以被称为治愈老化。 |
Thus, it seems that as society grows wealthier and people become freer to do whatever they want, they get less happy.
看样子,当社会变得更富裕、人们变得更自由时,却同时变得较不快乐。 |