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Following their talks it was clear that the president and Democrats in Congress remains at odds over the funding.

Following the traffic regulations cannot be too emphasized. 再怎么强调遵守交通规则都不过分.
Following the wedding ceremony, those assembled walk three times around the well (symbolizing the Holy Trinity,) and throw apples into it (symbolizing fertility). 婚礼之后,所有来宾围绕着井走三圈(象征着圣三位一体),并向井中扔苹果(象征着生育)。
Following the £14million capture of Michael Carrick two weeks ago, the Reds have been heavily linked with Bayern Munich's Owen Hargreaves, Villarreal's Marcos Senna and Lyon ace Mahamadou Diarra in recent weeks. 继两周前以1400英镑成功买入卡里克之后,曼联最近又将注意力转移到了拜仁的哈格里夫斯,比利亚雷亚尔的森纳以及里昂的迪亚拉。
Following their conquest of Europe early in the 1800s, the Rothschilds cast their covetous eyes on the most precious gem of them all -- the United States. 在他们于19世纪早期征服欧洲后,大西洋彼岸美丽繁荣富庶的美利坚大陆早已落入了他们的视野。
Following their expulsion from Spain in 1492, the Jews were more than ever taken up with messianic hopes and eschatology, and Kabbala found wide favour. 随着于1942年他们被驱逐之后,犹太教徒比以为更采纳救世主的希望和末世学,而卡巴拉带来更广泛的喜爱。
Following their talks it was clear that the president and Democrats in Congress remains at odds over the funding. 根据谈话清楚得看到总统和国会里的民主党在基金方面不一致。
Following their talks, it was clear that president and Democrats in Congress remain an at odds over the funding. 从讨论情况来看,很明显,总统与国会民主党人在提供军费的问题上仍旧存在分歧。
Following their talks, it was clear that the president and Democrats in Congress remain at odds over the funding. 从他们的谈话中可以明显看出总统和议会的民主党人在资金问题上有分歧。
Following these discussions, we hope to commence longer-term studies in 2007. 有可能,我们希望在07年开始进行长期项目。
Following these simple guidelines makes our job as moderator a lot easier, please keep this in mind when posting. 你如果遵从这些简单的准则可以是我们版主的工作轻松许多,当你发帖的时候请牢记这些规则。
Following this approach, this very route from becoming to the Will to Power also conveys the ultimate concern in Nietzsche's philosophy to justify lives. 而这个从变化到权力意志的途径,也表达出了尼采哲学中对证成生命的终极关怀。

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