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His last appearance before that was in the 2-2 draw with Birmingham on 28 December.

His land was fenced with barbed wire. 他的土地用铁丝网围著.
His landlady was a hoggish woman. 她的房东是个自私贪婪的女人。
His language was street talk, his manner wry, his walk springy and controlled like a boxer's, and his expression closed off like the steel door on a bank vault. 他言语粗俗、放荡不羁、步伐矫健如蓄势待发的拳手、表情冷酷得像银行保险库的铁门。
His language was uncompromising: he told them their work must improve or they would be fired. 他的话说一不二;他告欣他们必须改进工作,否则就予解雇.
His last Newcastle start came on New Year's Eve 2005, when he broke a metatarsal against Tottenham Hotspur. 他的最后一场俱乐部比赛是在05年底,在那场和托特纳姆热刺的比赛中,他的跖骨骨折。
His last appearance before that was in the 2-2 draw with Birmingham on 28 December. 他上一回亮相还是在12月28号和伯明翰的2-2里。
His last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point. 他最后的论点是在声东击西,想让我们忘掉要点。
His last blanket was gone. 最后的一块毯子也用光了。
His last day will be Sep 17. 正式离任的日期将在9月17日。
His last day will be September 17. 他的任期将止于9月17日。
His last effort, a start against the Angels in California on Tuesday, was his worst of the season: Mussina couldn't make it out of the second inning, surrendering seven runs and seven hits while recording just five outs. 他的上一场先发,在加州对上天使队,是本季最糟的表现:穆帅无法在第二局脱身,被击出7支安打丢掉7分,只解决5个人次。

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