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A cut caused by biting the cheek or tongue, or reactions from hot foods or beverages may contribute to canker sore development.

A customer Support Knowledge Base application. Supporting user tiers for information management, structure and regimented management of support information. 这是个客户支持知识库应用,它支持用户层面地信息管理、信息的组织和编制管理等功能。
A customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself. 当第一个客户第一次开户时,他通知银行仅凭他签发的支票记入他存款的借方。
A customer turns their phone off at a family event. 一个用户如果在家中把手机关了。
A customs officer is checking the suitcases. 一位海关官员在检查手提箱。
A customs union has long been talked of; in the “northern triangle” of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, progress is being made on this. 关税同盟的事已经讨论了很久了;由洪都拉斯、危地马拉和萨尔瓦多组成的“北方三角”都已经从这一进程中获利了。
A cut caused by biting the cheek or tongue, or reactions from hot foods or beverages may contribute to canker sore development. 牙齿咬伤口腔颊或舌头,热的食物或饮料烫伤口腔能对加重口腔溃疡的状况。
A cut diamond has many faces . 经切割的钻石有很多晶面。
A cut diamond has many faces. 经切割的钻石有很多晶面。
A cut in the amount of money to spend on players and reports of a rift with manager Jose Mourinho h**e fuelled speculation in the media that the multimillionaire Russian has fallen out of love with the club he bought in 2003. 削减收购球员开支和与主教练何塞.穆里尼奥决裂的谣言,令媒体抓住机会来炒作传闻,指这位家财万贯的俄罗斯人对这间他在2003年买下的俱乐部已经热情不再。
A cut into a body tissue or organ, especially one made during surgery. 切割手术对身体组织或器官的切入,尤指外科手术时的切割
A cut of meat from the thigh of a hog. 火腿肉从猪大腿上切下来的肉

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