Whenever you need cost-effective sludge treatment systems or components our specialists are happy to provide you with tailor-made solutions.
无论您需要经济的污泥处理系统或是某个部件,我们的专家都十分乐于为您提供量体裁衣式的解决方案。 |
Whenever you play a league match you get 100% of the gate receipts, and if you are participating in the National Cup or an international cup tournament, you will receive 50% of the gate from these matches too.
每当你发挥你得100%联赛门口收益而如果你正在参加全国或国际杯足球赛赛您将获得50%的大门从这些比赛. |
Whenever you play these chords, they will mean a lot more to you than the thoughtless meandering you were previously doing.
每当你弹奏这些和弦时,它们对你的意义要比你以前所做的未经考虑的漫不经心的演奏多许多。 |
Whenever you say I love you,mean it.
无论何时说“我爱你”,请真心实意。 |
Whenever you say “I love you”, mean it. Whenever you say “I am sorry”, look the person right in the eyes.
当你说“我爱你”的时候,请发自肺腑;当你说“对不起”的时候,请看着对方的眼睛。 |
Whenever you sayI'm sorry,look the person right in the eyes.
无论何时说“对不起”,请看着对方的眼睛。 |
Whenever you teach economics, you have wide latitude in choosing what material to include and how to present it.
当你教经济学时,你有大量的资料可选用,并如何使用它们去讲解。 |
Whenever you tell a lie, you do so at the expense of your reputation.
无论何时你说谎,都会对你的名誉造成损失. |
Whenever you think that you have a headache, simply because you have a headache; or you bump into a door; or you have an accident simply because you happen to be in a particular place at a particular time; whenever you feel yourself powerless, then you th
每当你因为头痛而想你为什么会头痛;或你因为碰巧在特定的时间和特定的场合而撞到一扇门或遇到什么意外;每当你觉得自己无能为力时你就认为你对偶然事件的发生无法控制。 |
Wheneverthe Shadow Fiend kills a target, he stores the unfortunate soul insideof him. For each stored soul he gains 2 bonus damage until his owndeath releases half of them from bondage.
每当影魔杀死一个生物,他就将这个可怜的灵魂储存在体内。每个灵魂会为他提供2点额外的攻击力。不过当他死亡时,有一半的灵魂将逃逸出去。 |
Whenthe bond is later converted into equity i.e. the mother share, theholder will thereafter participate in any dividend income declared andpaid out to replace the loss of interest income resulting from theconversion.
当债券,是后来转为股本,即母亲的份额,持有者会此后参加任何股息收入申报和发放,以代替损失利息收入产生转换. |