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“Then, when I went to America for my operation, I felt a bit uneasy when I was told the surgeon might be using someone else's tissue to go into my knee.

“Then the one inside answers, ‘Don't bother me. The door is already locked, and my children are with me in bed. I can't get up and give you anything. 那人在里面回答说、不要搅扰我.门已经关闭、孩子们也同我在床上了.我不能起来给你。
“Then we shall see.”said Robin. “Fine away. “那么我们就来比试比试吧,”罗宾说道,“请吧。”
“Then what are we waiting for? “那我们还等什么?”
“Then what caused the arm ache and muscle stress? “那是什么倒是我胳膊疼痛和肌肉拉伤的呢?”
“Then why was his name listed before mine? 「那为什麽他的名字排在我前面?」
“Then, when I went to America for my operation, I felt a bit uneasy when I was told the surgeon might be using someone else's tissue to go into my knee. 他说,“当去年夏天我在德国弄伤我的十字韧带后的第一个小时内我就开始感到负罪。
“Theories of probabilities will be seen as practical, workable, psychological facts, giving leeway and freedom to the individual, who will no longer feel at the mercy of external events——but will realize instead that he (or she) is their initiator. “可能性的理论将会被视为实用的、可行的和心理学的事实,这将给个人以余地和自由,他将不再感到外在事件的对他的制约——反而会认识到他(或她)是它们的创造者。
“There They were hearing trees snap. “他们听到树木被拦腰折断。
“There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand trinary, those that don't, and those that confuse it with binary. 这个世界上有10种人,其中有些是能理解三进制的,有些不懂,有些则把它和二进制弄混淆了。
“There are a lot of nickel shoehorns there,” said Jimmy coolly, “that I'm going to return. “里边是好多镍制的鞋拔,”基米冷冷地说,“我准备把它们统统退回去。
“There are all the images of naked and disgusting women with my bf.”?? 不是吧?网站上登着你男友和她们的合影和录象?莫非你男友就是传说中的男优??密切关注中!!!!

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