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Peace talk btw two countries influnces their relationship permanently.

Peace is only achieved through love! 只有透过爱,才能达致和平!
Peace is the fundamental premise for mankind\'s development. 和平是人类社会实现发展目标的根本前提。
Peace on earth and good will towards men. 愿世界得太平,人间持善意。
Peace on warth and good will towards everybody. 愿世界得以太平,人人充满爱意。
Peace scholars, alumni, and Rotarians study the program before the first International Peace Symposium kicks off Friday. 在星期五开始的第一次国际和平专题讨论会之前,和平奖学生、前受奖人、与扶轮社员研读该计画。
Peace talk btw two countries influnces their relationship permanently. 和谈对两国的关系有着持久的影响。
Peace talks have a long-lasting effects on the relations between two countries . 和谈对两国的关系有着持久的影响。
Peace talks have long-lasting effects on the relations between the two countries. 和谈对两国的关系有着持久的影响.
Peace talks have long-lasting effects on the relations between two countries. 和谈对两国的关系有着持久的影响。
Peace to all. Peace be all. 平众生,常安宁。
Peace to his ashes / memory / soul! 愿死者安息吧!

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