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The proof consisted of two items: a piece of aluminum foil and a piece of fax paper.

The prompt told us to summarize the story and tell what the story was trying to say about war. 我们被要求去总结、讨论这个故事的关于战争的观点。
The promulgation and enforcement of Stipulations on Issues concerning the Adjudication of Civil Lawsuits Related to Enterprise Restructuring by Supreme People's Court for the purpose of regulating enterprise restructuring, while proving effective in preve 摘要为规范企业改制,最高人民法院颁布了《关于审理与企业改制相关民事纠纷案件若干问题的规定》,这可以有效扼制企业改制中的逃废债行为,确保市场交易安全。
The promulgation and implementation of the New Mathematics Curriculum Standard set the new requirements for mathematics teachers' mathematics quality and teaching ability in the middle schools. 摘要新课标的颁布和实施,对中学数学教师的数学素质和教学能力提出了新的要求。
The promulgation of the Methods and Detailed Rules has provided a legal basis for further attacking law-breaking acts related to invoices. 《办法》和《细则》的颁布,为进一步打击发票违法行为提供了法律依据。
The promulgation of the latest standard on course of Chinese language gives a new look of Chinese language teaching in the middle school. 摘要新的语文课程标准的颁布实行,使中学语文教学呈现出崭新的面貌。
The proof consisted of two items: a piece of aluminum foil and a piece of fax paper. 证据有2个项目组成:一张铝箔和一张传真纸。
The proof of a spirit will not appreciably affect BAC. 酒水的酒精含量不影响人体吸收酒精的速度。
The proof of propositions embodies the importance of the theorem. 摘要定理的重要性具体体现在命题的证明中。
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 布丁好不好,吃了才知道。
The proof that experience teaches us nothing is that the end of one love does not prevent us from beginning another. 经验没给予人吸取教训,可从我们在中断一段爱情之后,并不防碍我们开始另一段爱情得到证实.
The proof was fished up from some old papers. 从一些旧文件中查到了证据。

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