Je vous fais mes excuses pour ma demande brusque ?
请问达人们,请原谅我唐突的要求,这句话怎么说比较有礼貌啊? |
Je: Sure, mom. Do you want a window seat or on aisle?
杰:好的,妈妈。你要靠窗的还是靠过道的座位? |
Jealous attitudes may lead you astray.
嫉妒会让你误入歧途。 |
Jealously is likely to take over causing you to make a mistake.
嫉火中烧,有可能导致你犯下错误。 |
Jealousy and anger shorten life,and anxiety bring on old age too soon.
嫉妒和愤怒缩短生命,而担忧使人过早衰老。 |
Jealousy and anger will put a damper on what could be a very good week romantically.
金牛:嫉妒和愤怒只会伤害双方的感情,让浪漫的一周蒙上阴影。 |
Jealousy and suspicion are eroding our friendship.
嫉妒和猜疑在侵蚀我们的友谊。 |
Jealousy can make you totally oblivious to the good things you have.
忌妒常使你对本身具有的优点全然不知。 |
Jealousy is another negative issue.
“吃醋”是另一个负面问题。 |
Jealousy is not part of his make-up.
他的品性中没有忌妒. |
Jealousy is sometimes a part of my life.
嫉妒有时是我生活的一部分。 |