Six minutes from time a Messi header looped onto the roof of the net but Chelsea were preserving the lead without recourse to panic.
之后六分钟,梅西的头球险些破门,除此之外,切尔西没给巴萨任何机会。 |
Six minux two equals four.
六减二等于四。 |
Six months after a horrific shooting, Amish children entered the brand-new one-room schoolhouse.
在那起恐怖的枪杀案六个月之后,阿曼宗教的孩子搬进了全新的只有一个房间的校舍。 |
Six months after sipping coffee in Chirac's office, Howard, Grazer and the rest of the Da Vinci Codeteam swarmed into the Louvre and set up shop for a week of night shoots.
在与希拉克见面6个月后,霍华德,格拉泽和《达.芬奇密码》剧组的其他工作人员涌进卢浮宫,安营扎寨,准备为期一周的夜间拍摄。 |
Six months after the Budget has been released, the Government produces a Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook(MYEFO).
这个财政预算公布后的六个月,政府会制订一份年中经济和财政展望报告(MYEFO)。 |
Six months after the little girl got her new blue dress, Gates Avenue was a tidy street of friendly homes where respectable families lived.
小女孩穿上她新买的蓝色连衣裙后的6个月,盖茨大道成了一条整洁的街道,那里的住户都友好相处,邻里和睦,相互尊敬。 |
Six months after we sent all of our committee's information (résumé, application and recommendation letters) to TRF - we received that happy telephone call.
在我们寄出所有我们委员会的资料(自传、申请书及推荐函)给扶轮基金的六个月后—我们接到了一通令人兴奋的电话。 |
Six months had passed, and we still had no news of them.
六个月过去了,我们仍然没有他们的消息。 |
Six months later Humphrey was gone, amid much newspaper speculation that new occupant Tony Blair's wife Cherie was behind the move.
新首相入主唐宁街六个月后,汉弗莱便失踪了,这引起英国媒体的诸多猜测,很多人认为新任首相布莱尔的妻子切丽是汉弗莱失踪的“幕后黑手”。 |
Six months later came another demonstration of tomorrow's journalism.
六个月后,又一次事件中示范了未来的新闻模式。 |
Six months later, a crackerjack undercover cop named Damien is given a urgent mission: a neutron bomb has been stolen by Taha in District B13 which has an automatic timer function engaged and set to detonate in less than 24 hours.
这一次,政府交给了他一个在他职业生涯中最棘手的任务,一个具有大规模杀伤性威力的武器被十三区最凶猛的黑帮偷走了。 |