Two boys made off with our cases while we weren't looking.
有两个男孩子趁我们不备, 偷了我们的箱子就跑了. |
Two boys were fishing at a pond.
两个男孩在一个池塘边钓鱼。 |
Two brandies and soda , please.
劳驾,来两杯白兰地加苏打水。 |
Two brandies and soda, please.
劳驾,来两杯白兰地加苏打水。 |
Two brass and caps: Made of brass of good conductivity.
2两端铜盖:须以导电率良好之黄铜为材料. |
Two broad types of capital exist—natural and man-made.
资本又可以分为两大类:自然与人造。 |
Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to watch.
有兄弟俩人决定在他们房子后面挖一个深洞。就在他们不停挖洞时,几个年龄大点的男孩在附近停下来观看。 |
Two brown loaves and one large white one, please.
请拿两个黑面包和一个大的白面包. |
Two bulls fight furiously in the Xiasi Town of Majiang County, southwest China's Guizhou Province, August 3, 2007. Around 1,000 bulls competed in the Seventh Majiang Bullfight Festival, opned in Xiasi on Friday.
8月3日,“2007年中国麻江第七届斗牛节”在贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州麻江县下司镇拉开帷幕,来自凯里、都匀、麻江、丹寨等地的近百头水牛参加本次斗牛赛,苗族同胞和中外游客万余人前来观战助威。 |
Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists.
有两个商人让恐怖分子绑架了. |
Two by two they came into the ark to Noah, male and female, as God had commanded Noah.
9都是一对一对的,有公有母,到挪亚那里进入方舟,正如神所吩咐挪亚的。 |