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Millionaires have been made and millions more have died from dependence on that simple, innocent potato.

Milling, planing, turning of low-alloy steel qualities with low properties of strength, Ti-alloys, etc. 对强度不高的低合金钢、钛合金等进行铣削、刨平、车削等加工的牌号。
Milling, turning, planning of cast iron, annealed cast iron, steel, austenitic steel. Medium cutting speed and chip cross-sections. For interrupted cutting and varying cutting depths. High toughness and impact strength. 对铸铁、退火铸铁、钢铁、奥氏体铁进行铣削、车削、刨平加工的牌号。适合中等切削速度、中等切削截面的切削加工。适合不同切削深度和间断性切割。抗冲击强度高、韧性高。
Million of readers have been helped by the famous “Babylonian Parables”. 数百万读者已经从这本著名的“巴比伦寓言”中得到了帮助。
Millionaire: I owe everything to my wife. 那要归功于我的老婆了。。。
Millionaires don't buy things on instalments! 百万富翁是不会分期付款买东西的!
Millionaires have been made and millions more have died from dependence on that simple, innocent potato. 百万富翁已有百万人死于依赖,樸拙的山芋.
Millions have gone into finding a cure. 数百万元已经投入在找寻治疗方法。
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. 渴望长生不老者以百万计,而这些人是一旦遇上了星期日下午的下雨天就都不晓得怎么打发日子的。
Millions more children are surviving now than 50 years ago, says a report from UNICEF Canada. “联合国儿童基金会”加拿大分会1份报告指出,和50年前相比,现在数以百万计的儿童都存活下来。
Millions more returned as the fortunes of war changed. 随着战局的变化,上百万人返回。
Millions of Africans, who were forcibly transported overseas over a period of about 450 years from the middle of the 15th Century. 从15世纪中叶开始,在大约450年的时间里,数百万非洲人被强行运往海外。

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