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South Korea also says it wants a more “forward-looking” relationship with Japan.

South Carolina had been deeply involved in the Civil War from the start. 从内战爆发以来,南卡罗来纳就一直是重要的地区。
South Chengdu the valence electron electricity limited liabilitycompany mainly is the collection development production to a body, isengaged in the vacuum coating equipment the electronic surveyinginstrument and the electrical control development, the dev 成都南仪电子电气有限责任公司主要是集开发生产于一体,从事真空镀膜设备的电子测量仪器和电气控制的开发、研制、生产和集成。
South Dakota recently passed a draconian anti-abortion law on the assumption (or wish) that the new Supreme Court will overrule Roe v. 南达科他州最近通过了一项严峻的反堕胎法律,该法律假设(或希望)最高法院能够驳回“罗伊诉危德案”。
South Korea accounts for only 2.2 per cent of America's total trade deficit from January to August this year. 今年1月至8月,美国的全部贸易赤字中,韩国所占比重为2.2%,而中国占到22.1%,日本占12.4%。
South Korea admitted experimenting with traces of plutonium, in 1982, and with uranium enrichment, in 2000. 韩国承认在1982年的时候使用少量的钸进行过试验,在2000年进行过浓缩铀试验。
South Korea also says it wants a more “forward-looking” relationship with Japan. 韩国也表示希望与日本建立更具“前瞻性”的关系。
South Korea and China have lately increased both trade and aid. 而另一方面韩国和中国却在近期增加了对朝鲜的贸易和援助。
South Korea and China were both victims of Past Aggression by Japan. 韩国和中国都是日本过去侵略的受害者。
South Korea and the U.S. have been negotiating details of the control transfer for more than a year. 韩国和美国已经就部队指挥权移交的细节进行了一年多的谈判。
South Korea grabbed the silver medal with 1,777 points, just one point ahead of third-placed India. 南韩以1777分的成绩获得银牌,仅比第三名的印度高一分。
South Korea has been going through an unsettled period as foreign investors play an increasingly prominent role in the business sector, once the preserve of family-run chaebol and state-operated companies. 韩国正经历一个不稳定的时期,外国投资者在商业领域发挥的作用日益突出,而这一领域曾是韩国家族企业财团和国营企业的领地。

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