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The term decathlon in Greek means “ten tests”.

The term and condition are printed in very small letter so that they are difficult to read. 条款与条件是用很小的字体印刷的,以致难以阅读。
The term attenuated refers to the dissipation or softening of the shadow as it gets further from the shadow-casting object. 这个削弱的条件提到了阴影的分散或柔化,如果它是从能产生阴影的物体上得到的。
The term came to be the most appropriate word to describe her teachings and so, with a capital T, Theosophy came to be the name given to that which she taught in the 19th century. 这个词正好最恰当地描述了她的教义,因此,将“T”大写,神智学是她在十九世纪所教授的学说的名称。
The term can be applied on various scales, from small ponds to the whole planet. 这个名词可应用于不同范围,从小池塘乃至到整个地球。
The term caudal means nearer to the tail and is used in description of embryos. 尾侧意指靠近尾部,常用在胚胎的描述中。
The term decathlon in Greek means “ten tests”. 十项全能一词在希腊语中是“十种测试”之意。
The term e-business is defined here as the use of electronic means to conduct an organization's business internally and/or externally. 商业定义为:电子应用于在一个组织的内部和/或者外部范围内执行商务。
The term endogenous refers to the origin of the lipid material from breakdown of lung and blood, usually distal to the site of an obstructive process (such as a neoplasm, an inhaled foreign body, or bronchiectasis). 内源性是指肺和血管破裂释放脂质,通常出现在栓塞的远端(如肿瘤,吸入性异物,或支气管扩张症)。
The term epiblem is sometimes used instead to denote the outermost layer of cells in the root. 有时用根被皮这一名称来表示根的最外层细胞。
The term evokes a utopia where nothing is misunderstood, hearts are open, and expression is uninhibited. 这个词语唤起对没有误解的乌托邦的向往,那儿心灵自由开放,表达无拘无束。
The term fiber glass molding correctly refers only to products involving a resin and some form of glass fiber reinforcement. 术语“玻璃纤维模塑”仅仅是指树脂与一些玻璃纤维增强的产品。

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