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The biggest stock market is New York Stock Market.

The biggest row is about the government's “lustration” law, which beefs up the vetting of anybody who ever co-operated with the communist-era secret services. 最大的争议将会是政府的“肃清”法案,该法案加重了对于任何曾经与共产时代的情报局有过合作的相关人士的审查。
The biggest secret for better climbing is to love climbing unconditionally. 最好的攀岩者最大的秘密,是无条件地喜爱攀岩。
The biggest seven, including the consumer-finance arms of America's GE Capital and Citigroup, hold 70% between them. 最大的七家,其中包括消费财政支柱的美国GE财团和花旗集团,则占了其中的70%份额。
The biggest single favour governments could do for air travellers and the environment is to get out of the way and let airlines make money. 各国政府唯一能够给予航空旅游者和环境的最大帮助是自己撤出该领域,并让航空公司赢利。
The biggest spider out here couldn't kill a person--but it sure could lay you up for a while. 这儿最大的蜘蛛也不会把人咬死但是它确实能使你在床上躺些日子哩。
The biggest stock market is New York Stock Market. 最大的股票市场是纽约股票市场。
The biggest thorn in the Prime Minister's side is inflation. 最使首相苦恼的问题是通货膨胀。
The biggest threat to the casino-owning tribes is that they will lose their privileged position. 对于经营这博彩业的部落而言,最大的威胁来自于他们有可能丧失自己的特权地位。
The biggest trouble is that the dominant Shias think they should have unfettered power in the new Iraq, while the Sunni Arabs, only a fifth of Iraqis, refuse to accept second place. 最大的问题在于,占统治地位的什叶派认为他们应该在新伊拉克掌控绝对的权力,但仅占人口1/5的逊尼派并不甘心当老二。
The biggest turn-off for a girl is self-doubt. 对女孩子而言,最扫兴的就是自我怀疑。
The biggest update, still in the works, is some new direction on how to deal with inclusions in the aerogel. 最大的改动也能够在进行中,就是新的指导如何对待凝胶中的内含物。

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