To continue building a distinctive brand image.
持续建立特出的品牌形象. |
To continue cooperating with Lakoma company in Poland to popularize a series of environment protection paints which have water character.Our company will bring about 2 millions square meter ‘s achievement in next years.
继续与波兰拉科玛公司合作,进一步推广水性环保系列涂料,明年计划实现200万平方米的实绩。 |
To continue implementing the preferential taxation policy that exemption of business tax in three years for eligible and qualified credit guarantee agencies for small and middle-sized enterprises, as provided for in the Circular of the General Office of S
(五)继续执行《国务院办公厅转发国家经贸委关于鼓励和促进中小企业发展若干政策意见的通知》(国办发〔2000〕59号)中规定的对符合条件的中小企业信用担保机构免征三年营业税的税收优惠政策。 |
To continue printing,close lammp house upper cover.
要继续印相,关闭灯箱上盖. |
To continue printing,close lens desk cover.
要继续印相,关闭镜头操作台外盖. |
To continue printing,close printing door.
要继续印相,关闭印相机的边门. |
To continue the family bloodline is one of life's most important things.
传宗接代是生命中最重要的事情之一。 |
To continue the success of C.S.I.
第二季的鉴证行动组高踞全美国剧剧类影集的季军位置。 |
To continue their bloodlines, werewolves must mate with humans or wolves.
为了延续他们的血统,狼人必须于人或者狼交配。 |
To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and pe\rosp
因为连续几个月的个人辩护将花费总统和国会几乎所有的时间,而这时我们却应该全心致力于世界和平及无通货膨胀的国家繁荣这些大事上。 |
To continue, you must use interactive Setup.
如要继续,你必须使用交互式安装。 |