Like coral insects multitudinous, the minutes are what of our life is made.
就像无以计数的珊瑚虫那样,我们的一生是由分分秒秒构成的。 |
Like coral insects multitudinous. The minutes are whereof our life is made.
就象无以计数的珊瑚虫那样,我们的一生是由分分秒秒构成的. |
Like dew in the morning , we should sweat to meet new challenges.
将晨曦的朝露化作汗水,迎接新挑战。 |
Like dewdrop early in the morning, transparent gentle a gentle one, meet those wisp of sunshine of hers, waiting to bring the color conscientiously , the small body is mirroring the world in riotous profusion, smiling, the evaporation has disappeared grad
如同清早的露珠,透明的柔柔的,相遇了她的那缕阳光,认真的等待着带来色彩,小小的身躯映出了缤纷的世界,微笑着,渐渐地蒸发消失,孰不知,她已溶入了属于她的怀抱,溶入了整个世界。 |
Like doing some creative work, and participate different kind of function.
对创作有特别的爱好,也参与多方面的活动。 |
Like dusk, again resemble dawn.
像黄昏,又象拂晓。 |
Like electric motor actuators, these are not readily adaptable for a fail-safe mode.
和电动马达执行机构相同,这种执行机构也不适用于故障安全模式。 |
Like engineers, they design things, assembling components into systems and evaluating tradeoffs among alternatives.
像工程师一样,他们设计事物,把部件装配为系统,在候选方案中寻求一种平衡。 |
Like every energy-process, it is in principle irreversible and is therefore directed towards a goal.
就像任何精力活动过程,人生基本上是无法倒转的,因此只有朝向目标往前行。 |
Like every other part of the oil industry, refining is suffering from an acute shortage of building materials and skilled labour.
石油行业处处都面临建材严重不足、熟练工人匮乏,炼油企业也未能幸免。 |
Like every other step in chipmaking, membrane fabrication takes place by building up thin layers of either conducting or insulating materials (typically metals or silicon dioxide) on a silicon substrate and then etching them away to create structures such
制造薄膜就和其他制造晶片的步骤一样,也是在矽基板上镀上一层薄薄的导电或绝缘材料(通常是金属或二氧化矽),再加以蚀刻,制造出以线路相连的电晶体结构。 |