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At the Daxing resources food city, collect three dimention images of 80 lives pig, after a series of image processing, withdraw some characteristic parameters, then build up and train the BP neural network, output to back fat thickness, lean meat rate, sl

At the Berezina River, the Russians nearly trapped the retreating French by burning the bridges over the swollen river. 在别列兹那河,俄国人焚烧了涨水的河道上的桥梁,差点将后撤的法军困于河边。
At the Cannes film festival every year, the Institute holds a conference on audiovisual law. 在每年的嘎纳电影节上,该机构主持有关音像方面的会议。
At the Chicago Board of Trade, or CBOT, futures have always been traded using the open outcry system. 在芝加哥期货交易所,或者CBOT,期货一直以来都是以公开竞价的方式进行交易。
At the Chinese history cultural heritage protection level, the historic towns belong to historical culture protectorate category, which is a kind of precious historical culture resources. 摘要在我国历史文化遗产保护的层次中,古镇属于历史文化保护区的范畴,是一种宝贵的历史文化资源。
At the Coupole, downstairs, he finds her sitting in front of a cocktail with a dreamy, trancelike expression on her face. She smiles when she sees him. 在库波勒饭店一楼,他看到公主坐在一杯鸡尾酒前,脸上一副想入非非、恍恍馏熄的表情。看到他,她微笑了。
At the Daxing resources food city, collect three dimention images of 80 lives pig, after a series of image processing, withdraw some characteristic parameters, then build up and train the BP neural network, output to back fat thickness, lean meat rate, sl 摘要在大兴资源食品城,采集80头活体猪的三维图片,经过一系列的数字图像处理后,提取出特征参数,然后建立和训练BP神经网络,输出背膘厚、瘦肉率、屠宰率以及猪肉等级。
At the Defined Level ... a defined software process contains a coherent, integrated set of well-defined software engineering and management processes ... characterized as including readiness criteria, inputs, standards and procedures for completing the wo 在定义层次……一个定义好的软件过程包括一个紧密的、统一的良好定义的软件工程和管理过程的集合……以包含准备就绪的标准,输入,完成这项工作的标准和程序,校验机制,……,输出和完成标准为特征。
At the Doctor's: Describing symptoms and treatments . 学习描述症状和治疗情况的英语表达法。
At the Federal level, the House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching the President, Vice President and all other civil officers of the United States. 在联邦政府阶层,仅众议院有权对总统、副总统及美国的所有官员进行弹劾成案。
At the Fifteenth National Congress, Deng Xiaoping Theory was established as the Party's guiding ideology, the Party's basic program for the primary stage of socialism was put forward, and the objectives and tasks for China's cross-century development were 十五大确立邓小平理论为党的指导思想,提出党在社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领,明确了我国跨世纪发展的奋斗目标和任务。
At the Fountain Gate they went directly up the steps of the city of David by the stairway of the wall above the house of David to the Water Gate on the east. 尼12:37他们经过泉门往前、从大卫城的台阶、随地势而上、在大卫宫殿以上、直行到朝东的水门。

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