Bills of exchange include banker's bills and commercial bills.
汇票分为银行汇票和商业汇票。 |
Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.
帐单总是比支票寄来的速度快。 |
Bills with terms of 30 days to 90 days are the easiest to trade?
期限为30到90天的汇票最容易出手。 |
Billy His sparrow dropper looks cooler than his 98EX self. Fierce stick-jump has strong detection. Otherwise, not much different from 98.
比利他的笔杀技雀落看起来比98的特别版酷多了。强袭飞翔棍自动导向强多了。其他的和98差不多。 |
Billy Hodge: [after hitting his teacher in the face] United States Coast Guard I'm here to help you.
比利·霍奇:[用肘子打碎教官的牙]美国海岸警卫队来营救你。 |
Billy Liddell won his 30th and final cap on this day in 1955, as Scotland beat Northern Ireland 2-1 at Windsor Park in Belfast.
1955年的今天,比利·李德尔第30次也是最后一次代表苏格兰国家队比赛,作客贝尔法斯特2:1击败北爱尔兰。 |
Billy McCulloch was giving them both a load of heckling, so in the end they said get up and do something.
麦克拉伦给了两条困扰他们的出路,所以他们最后站起来,做了点事. |
Billy Wilder continued to make interesting movies through the nineteen-sixties and nineteen-seventies.
从20世纪60年代到70年代,比利·怀尔德一直在制作风趣电影。 |
Billy and Sally always drag their feet when I tell them it's bedtime.
每当我叫比利和萨利上床睡觉的时候,他们总是拖拖拉拉。 |
Billy ate all the food on his plate.
比利吃光了他盘中的食物。 |
Billy came home with a shiner today.
比利今天带着黑眼圈(注:跌伤或打伤的)回到家。 |