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Preliminary Study on Interspecific Crossing of Drechslera (=Helminthosoporium ) maydis and Drechslera (=Helminthosporium ) carbonum
玉米小斑病菌(Drechslera maydis)与玉米圆斑病菌(Drechslera carbonum)种间杂交的初步研究

Preliminary Study in Theory on Self-Synchronizing Problem of Double Drivers of Elastic Linkage Bobbing Maohine with Double Masses 双质体弹性连杆式振动机双驱动自同步理论初探
Preliminary Study of Diagnosing Middle Ear Effusion Using Tympanometry at Higher Frequency Probe Tone Plus Determination of the lpsilateral Acoustic Refiex Threshold 高频率探测音鼓室压测试结合同侧声反射诊断中耳积液初探
Preliminary Study of Local Injection ~ Ⅰ in Plummer Disease 碘局部注射法治疗Plummer病的初步研究
Preliminary Study of the RT- PCR Method for Detecting Sendai Virus in Vaccine Producing Medium and Live Vaccine 建立活疫苗及其生产基质中Sendai病毒RT-PCR检测方法的研究初报
Preliminary Study of the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Atmospheric PCBs and PAHs in Guangzhou City and Nearby 广州市及附近地区大气中多氯联苯和多环芳烃时空分布的初步研究
Preliminary Study on Interspecific Crossing of Drechslera (=Helminthosoporium ) maydis and Drechslera (=Helminthosporium ) carbonum 玉米小斑病菌(Drechslera maydis)与玉米圆斑病菌(Drechslera carbonum)种间杂交的初步研究
Preliminary discussion on economics and risks of indirct coal liquefaction process 煤间接液化制油的经济性和风险初步探讨
Preliminary observations on activity rhythms and foraging behaviour in the endangered limpet Patella ferruginea 濒危帽贝铁锈笠螺的活动节律和采食行为的初步观察(英文)
Preliminary studies on parkin gene deletion at exons to in Chinese patients with praecox Parkinson's disease 早发性帕金森病parkin基因第~外显子缺失突变的初步研究
Preliminary studies on photosynthetic characteristics of Amblystegium serpens. 柳叶藓的光合特性初探
Preliminary study on the content and transformation of the soil nutrients in the community of Stipa glandis and aneurolepidium chinensis 羊草和大针茅植物群落土壤养分含量与转化规律的初步研究

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