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Epithelial ion channels in the regulation of female reproductive tract fluid microenvironment:implications in fertility and infertility

A tentative Reform of Biochemistry Experiment Teaching 生物化学实验教学改革的尝试
Analysis on structure of Tilia miqueliana population in Huangcangyu Nature Reserve of Anhui Province 安徽皇藏峪自然保护区南京椴种群结构分析
Advances in Research on Therapeutic Cloning 治疗性克隆研究进展
Study on the Influence of Cyanobacterial Growth by UV-C Photocatalytic Oxidation with Nanometric TiO2 UV-C光催化纳米TiO2对蓝藻生长影响的研究
Study on interspecific association of main populations in arborous layer of nature forest in Wuyishan Scenery District 武夷山风景名胜区天然林乔木层主要种群的种间联结性研究
Epithelial ion channels in the regulation of female reproductive tract fluid microenvironment:implications in fertility and infertility 上皮细胞离子通道对雌性生殖道内液体微环境的调节作用:对生殖与不孕的影响(英文)
Design and Development of Genetic Engineering Virtual Laboratory “基因工程虚拟实验室”的设计与开发
Construction and Optimization of Fluorescently Labeled Multiplex-PCR 荧光标记复合PCR扩增微卫星位点的构建与优化
The Behavioral-Neuroendocrine Mechanism of Development of Homosexuality 同性恋形成的行为神经内分泌机制
Primary culture and differentiation of human preadipocyte 人前脂肪细胞的培养及分化研究
Altered Gene Expression in Articular Chondrocytes of Smad3ex8/ex8 Mice, Revealed by Gene Profiling Using Microarrays 利用寡核苷酸芯片分析Smad3基因敲除小鼠关节软骨细胞基因表达谱的改变(英文)

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