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The cause of death was concluded to be severe hypotension, bradycardia and cardiac failure due to combined intoxication with verapamil, metoprolol and digoxin.

The cause is unknown, there could be a genetic predisposition that is triggered by an infection, for instance German measles is thought to trigger type 1 diabetes in some people. 病因未明,可能有遗传学易感性,被感染诱发,例如风疹被认为可以诱发一些人得1型糖尿病。
The cause may be physical—the growth of a tumour or hydatidiform mole in the uterus—or emotional. 产生的原因可能是物理上,或肿瘤的生长,或葡萄胎,或情感上的。
The cause of Soviet Jewish Emigration his its historical origins: The Soviet Governmental policy on jewry and the long-term anti-jewry movements was its realistic foundation. and the long time difficult living situation of Soviet-jewry was its psychologic 苏联犹太移民问题的产生有着深刻的历史根源,苏联政府对犹民族政策和长期的反犹运动是其现实基础,长期以来苏联犹太人的艰难生活处境是导致苏联犹太移民问题形成的心理动因。
The cause of all the blunders committed by man arises from excessive self-love. 人类的一切失误皆源于过分的私爱。
The cause of assthetic thought of Chinese traditional clothes, the clue of historical development and the orientation of aesthetic and so on are discussed. 摘要从中国传统服饰美学思想的缘由、历史发展线索以及审美趋向等方面,探讨其对后世的影响。
The cause of death was concluded to be severe hypotension, bradycardia and cardiac failure due to combined intoxication with verapamil, metoprolol and digoxin. 死亡原因是维拉帕米、美多心安和地高辛联合中毒引起的严重低血压、心动过缓和心脏衰竭。
The cause of erroneous results are explained through analysis of a thin elastic plate in large overall motions and the coupling modeling method of flexible multibody systems is discussed in this paper. 本文将通过对作大范围运动弹性薄板的讨论来揭示产生这种错误的原因及探讨对传统柔性多体系统建模理论作出改进的对策。
The cause of fire is still unknown. 起火事故的原因目前还不清楚。
The cause of gender identity disorder is not known. 引起性别错位症的原因尚不清楚。
The cause of glaucoma is not yet fully understood. But doctors know that the disease develops as pressure inside the eye increases. 青光眼的病因还不完全清楚,但医生们知道这种病始于眼内压增高。
The cause of mine disaster lies in insufficient preparation system of the mine disaster governance, so the key countermeasures to govern mine disaster is building the composition of preparation of the mine disaster governance on the basis of 3R, which inc 导致矿难频发的重要原因在于矿难治理的准备机制不足,因此治理矿难频发关键要立足3R,即“备战、反应、关联”,打造矿难治理的准备构成体系,建立、健全我国矿难治理的长效准备机制。

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