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The Manichean Great Spiritual Mantra: A Reexamination of Parthian Manuscript M0

The Mach number Ma =0. and the Reynold number Re = 0000 are used in the computation. 给出了Ma_∞=0. ,0.8;
The Macro—P.A—SD Model of Production, COmsupti on And Accumlatiou Econcimo Behavior of Peasant Household in An Hui Province 安徽省农户生产、消费和积累的宏观P.C.A——SD模型
The Main Technique on How To Shorten the Period of Breeding for Soft—Shell Turtle,Trionyx sinensis(Wiegmann) 缩短养鳖Trionyx sinensis(Wiegmann)生产周期的技术要点
The Managed Growth of China's Investment Fund Industry 中国基金业成长管理研究
The Management System for Officers of Frontier Guards Based on the Models of C/S 基于C/S模式的边防部队军官管理系统
The Manichean Great Spiritual Mantra: A Reexamination of Parthian Manuscript M0 摩尼教“大神咒”研究——帕提亚文文书M0再考释
The Map Render based on SVG 基于SVG的地图生成
The Market Subdivision Strategy of Procter & Gamble 宝洁公司的市场细分策略
The Mathematical Model and Optimal Design of the Adiabatic Reactor for Dehydrogenation of Ethyl Benzene 乙苯脱氢绝热反应器的数学模型和设计优化计算
The Meager Opinion of the Local Government's Capacity 地方政府能力刍议
The Measurement of Epichlorohydrin in -Cl--Hydroxypropyltrimethyl-Muriate of Ammonia -氯--羟丙基三甲基氯化铵中环氧氯丙烷的测定

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