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Axis Manpower Blitz cooldown increased to 4 minutes from 3. Penalty duration decreased to 2 minutes from 3 minutes.

Axis Grenades now do 50 damage (from 40) in a larger radius. Range increased by 20%. The longer the throw, the worse the accuracy (.075). 手榴弹在大范围内伤害从40增加到50。射程增加20%。扔越远精度越低(0.075?)。
Axis Grenadiers LMG42 upgrade improved slightly in terms of damage and suppression rate. Cost remains the same. 掷弹兵的轻型mg42升级在伤害和压制能力方面稍微增强,价格不变。
Axis Infantry Assault Team cost decreased to 350 manpower from 400. 轴心国步兵突击队(风暴突击队)现在消耗从400降低到350。
Axis Inspired Assault no longer gives 20% received damage penalty. 这个中文是啥?步兵突击?我用的英文版…………)不再有20%的承受伤害惩罚。
Axis Knights Cross Holder's cost reduced to 360 from 390. 铁十字价格从390降低为360。
Axis Manpower Blitz cooldown increased to 4 minutes from 3. Penalty duration decreased to 2 minutes from 3 minutes. 人力闪电战冷却时间从3分钟增加到4分钟,惩罚时间从3分钟降低为2分钟。
Axis Motorcycle more resilient to small arms fire. 轴心国摩托车对轻武器耐受能力增加。
Axis Ostwind Flakpanzer area of effect radius increased. 轴心国东风防空坦克炮弹杀伤范围增加。
Axis Panther Tanks can now crush Tank Traps. 豹式坦克现在可以冲破坦克障碍。
Axis Panzerfaust ability damage increased versus Allied Jeep. 轴心国国民掷弹兵的铁拳火箭对吉普车威力增加。
Axis Propaganda CP reduced to 2 points from 3. 心战宣传消耗点数从3降低为2。

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