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A. I will put my contractual relationship with translators and interpreters in writing and state my expectations prior to work.

A. I hope the campaigning will be peaceful. 我希望这次竞选活动会是和平的.
A. I just won a million dollars in the lottery! 我中彩票赢了一百万美元!
A. I like your new pingpong racket. 我喜欢你新的乒乓球拍.
A. I see, and these mineral form various kinds of porcelain clay , right? 哦,这些矿物质构成不同的瓷土,对吧?
A. I want to apply to this school for the fall. 我要申请这所学校的秋季班.
A. I will put my contractual relationship with translators and interpreters in writing and state my expectations prior to work. 应于翻译╱口译工作开始之前与翻译╱口译人员约定双方之期望与条件,并订立书面契约。授予著作人按例应获之承认。
A. I wonder if you have a fever. 我想你可能发烧了.
A. I'm free this afternoon . 我今天下午有空。
A. I'm sorry. I spilled wine on your carpet! I'll get it cleaned for you. 对不起,我把葡萄酒洒到你的地毯上了。我会帮你清理干净的。
A. I've heard a whisper that he has cancer. 我听到他得了癌症的传闻。
A. I. Tauber ed., Science and the Quest for Reality, Macmillan Press Ltd., 1997, p. 5. 刘为民:《“赛先生”与五四新文学》,济南:山东大学出版社,1997年第1版,第63、166、154页。

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